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Hair Transplant
In Turkey Costs

Cost of Hair Transplant in Turkey

You may want to know about the cost of hair transplant Turkey. Today, hair transplant is so popular. It is also the best solution to avoid baldness. As we know that baldness is a big problem for some people. What is hair transplant? How much does it cost? Find the answer below.

What is the Purpose of Hair Transplant?

The hair transplantation is a surgical procedure to repair a baldness condition. This procedure refers to removing hairs from side or back of the head to the bald area. In other words, hair transplant just can be done if you have normal hairs in back or side of your head. If you are totally bald, the procedure can’t be done. Hair transplant is a good solution for you who want to have normal hair in the bald area. By doing a hair transplant, the transplanted hair will cover bald area, and finally, you will more confident with your hair.

Compare to other procedure, hair transplant is the fastest procedure to make you get normal hair in the bald area. But, you need some months until you see the transplanted hairs become normal hair. So, try to always note about the important thing you need to do after the procedure. Although this procedure can’t produce new hair, removing hairs from other areas to the bald area is the best solution to solve baldness.

Many people experience baldness because of some factors. For example, is heredity. If your family member has experienced baldness, you have a risk to experience baldness too. When it happens, a hair transplant can be your solution. Hair transplant also often become the solution for people who experience baldness caused by lupus, injuries, and other medical problems.

Hair Transplant Procedure

The procedure of hair transplantation can be done by a doctor and some personnel. Today, there are so many clinics offer hair transplant. You can also find so many clinics in Turkey that offer hair transplant treatment. For example, is Beauty Clinic that offers best hair transplant treatment. Choosing a hair transplant clinic is so important to get the best result.

You may be curious about the surgery of hair transplant. As mentioned before, it is a surgical procedure. You will get local anesthesia, so you will not feel intense pain during the procedure. About the procedure of hair transplant, it depends on your choice. The common procedures are FUT and FUE. FUT transplant is the procedure of removing a strip of hair at the back of your head and finally prepare the strip for the transplant.

Different from FUT, FUE is the procedure of removing hair follicles and then transplanted individually. You can choose the procedure you like the most. But in some cases, FUT procedure can cause a large scar. The large scar will make people know that you have taken a hair transplant before. But, you may not get a large scar if you choose the best clinic. Choose a trusted clinic which is able to transplant your hair perfectly.

How many times do I need to transplant my hair?

This question may appear in your mind. Some clients need more than one hair plant procedure until they can get the best result. But for your recommendation, just be patient. Transplanted hairs will look like normal hair after 3 months. If your baldness can’t be covered well after doing a hair transplant, you can do hair transplant one more time. But, remember that hair transplant procedure is expensive enough.

How much do hair transplant cost in Turkey?

Now, let’s we talk about the cost of hair transplant Turkey. Actually, the cost of hair transplant depends on the amount of hair you’re moving. The more hair you transplant, the more cost you need to prepare. And without a good technique such as “Perkutan” which is used in our clinic in Istanbul for several years. It stills the best method for hair transplant with getting Rich Hair at same time, because by this technology doctors can implant more than 5000 hair follies per session. So, the cost of hair transplant using this technique is much expensive. See the photo bellow, it’s 7000 hair grafts in one long session (about 11 hours). More Photos

Hair transplant in Turkey - 7000 hair grafts

For your information, the cost of hair transplant in Turkey 2019 generally ranges from $2,700 to $4,000, maybe sometimes less. Choose a trusted clinic which has handled so many clients. As we know that a hair transplant is a surgical procedure. It means we need to choose the best clinic to avoid some risks. Same with other surgery procedure, hair transplant has some risks, such as infection, bleeding, scars, and unnatural-looking new hair growth. But by choosing the best clinic, the risk can be avoided.

Preparation Before Hair Transplant

What should I prepare for a hair transplant procedure? Not only about cost, you need to discuss with a doctor before doing the procedure. A doctor will suggest you do certain diet before doing the procedure. It is done to minimize blood that is released during the procedure. If you can do the diet perfectly, finally the procedure can be done perfectly without releasing too much blood.

Before hair transplant, you need to do a physical exam and blood test. It is done to know about your condition, whether you are healthy to take procedure or not. If the exam and blood test shows that there is a thing happens in your body, a hair transplant should be canceled or postponed. For your information, a client who has a disease is able to do a hair transplant, but he should stop consuming medicines one week before the surgery.

When the day of hair transplant comes, a doctor with his personnel will do the procedure. You may be so curious about how long the process is. Actually, a hair transplant can be done in 4-5 hours. Don’t worry about anything because you will get local anesthesia. So, you will not feel pain during the procedure.

After Hair Transplant Surgery

One week after the procedure, you can wash your transplanted hair by yourself. But before one week, you need help from personnel to wash your hair. About recovery time, you will see transplanted hair like normal hair after 3 months. Before 3 months, try to avoid cosmetics or hair dye because they will disturb the growth of transplanted hair.

As long as you always learn the instruction before and after the procedure, a hair transplant will give you best result. Well, those are some information for you about the cost of hair transplant and all about it. You can use the information above as your reference. After knowing the cost of the transplant in Turkey, hopefully, you can prepare your money for doing hair transplant in Turkey.